No more bikes! Buy's another bike. Share your shame thread


I may have just bought a couple of new bikes (well the saracen was a freebie and I haven't even seen it's condition yet :? ) despite sayin no more.

But I also did have a bit of a cull and even with the new bikes I'm down to 5 bikes (bearing in mind I had 16 at one point last year I think I'm doing well)
There's a Roberts I've eyed up for a while, really nice, in East Sussex but also there's a Overbury's... and every time I fettle Mrs Careless' Overbury's a strange "I desire" feeling appears.
I haven't bought a bike for a year just sold my big Cargobike, my Kona and my Shorter and you know what? She likes the idea of the Overbury's
not so much a bike but can't stop buying carbon parts. Some great parts arriving this week and next.

Probably this is the wrong thread to ask, but if there are any members on here who have only had the one bike for 20 + years since new could you please tell us HOW DO YOU DO IT? :shock:
I still have my first proper mtb, a Marin BV , old zolatone grey one bought second hand back in 2001, it hasn't been used in years ( stuck seat post wheels long gone) but it has hung in my sight over my workbench waiting for the day I start the rebuilding it. Have the bars and most of what I need except wheels and being ready to sort the seized bb bearing cup and the seatpost.
Shpock is a good place, prices seem lower than e bay. After deciding I was going to have one bike and just enjoy riding it........ just picked up an early 2000's orange gringo with bomber z4's, a separate pair of z1's and a giant bronco frame set that needs a full refurb, cost me £120 but both forks need work, the gringo needs work too and the bronco needs everything, I'd be built like mo farah if I spent as much time riding a I did tinkering
Does anyone know when it truly ends? Has it ended for anyone you know? They just keep popping up and I can't stop looking even though I know I have way too many. One way to justify it for me is the ever rapidly changing modern tech on new bikes these days and these old bikes just look WAY more interesting...
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I don't think it'll stop until you either have an epiphany, major lifestyle change of circumstances, or turn your toes up!

I recently looked back at my bike buying history/collection and noted that whilst I have 20 bikes stashed away, that number would be double if I hadn't released others back into the wild...

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