Newbie with a stuck seatpost


Retro Newbie
Hi, new to this forum so hello to all, and to get the ball rolling i have a question, probably one that gets asked frequently so apologies if it's a tiresome one!

A friend has just given me a 1996 Marin Muirwoods to fix up, mostly it's in fairly good nick considering the age but the seatpost is seized firmly into the frame. Now ideally i'd like to remove it so that it could be used again as the bike has mostly (bar usual perishables) the original components on it still, but if removing it destroys it then so be it.

Thanks in advance.
First thing I do is soak in penetrating oil for a couple of days. Then remove the seat and clamp from the post so you are left with the flat sided head at the end of the post. Turn the whole lot upside down and put the head of the post in a bench vice. It may or may not free it, if it does great but if it doesn't you will be left with destroying the post to remove it.

Destructive methods include alloy eating chemicals, cutting and drilling, so it's worth trying the vice method first.

+1 for the penetrating oil, i have done this before and found that applying it a couple of times a day for a week or so did the job.
try also:

I've wrecked frames in the past try to free stuck posts..... this is how I do them now. Take a bit of care, don't saw right down to the frame and then knock the sliver out......Easy :shock: .


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Just been through this with a Eldridge,after everything else failed , had to cut it out, which was a slow job, but well worth it
@porkypaw - I'm just about to embark upon your method of hacksawing the post out....I've tried ammonia, a vice and lots of brute strength to no avail....

A few questions, if I may......

1. Once you've knocked the sliver out, it looks like you are using a vice to crush the post and then extract it - do you need to crush the post? The reason I ask is that my seatpost was all the way into the frame so have no grip on the post - when I tried to remove using a vice, the "head/clamp" of the seatpost snapped clean off..

2. Do you have to saw all the way down to the bottom of the seatpost? I've got 300mm of post to try and saw if that's the case!

3. How long did it take you?
