Newbie. Just joined, hello. isle of wight

most my bikes are in need of something lol. i cant ride until my shoulder heals up after an op. few months to go...

Hi Tom,

Welcome to the forum. I live in London but my parents are moving to Bembridge at the end of this month. I'm sure I will get many opportunities to come over with the bikes. I'll bring the Glacier when it's finished. Here's my build in progress. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=323794

Davemev that will be cool. Bembridge is beautiful. A very posh part of the island. Ypure ever down, give us a shout, show you some trails :)
I dont suppose anyone on the island or coming to the island has a large/ x large frame for sale cheap?
Lookong for a bit of a tatty frame that i can turn into an off road touring/camping bike
Cheers, Tom