New "Vintage MTB" Website in U.S.

looks like one man's blog/pinterest sort of site so far to me. :? but a good effort to start something.

Rampage":s6etk6n0 said:
You found the site? Or do you mean it's yours?
I agree about the snobbishness: even on one of the FB forums there were so many posters who decided that unless you were riding or talking about something made by magical dwarves in caverns under Mt Tam with tubes drawn from the arse of a steel eating dragon, you didn't count.
Quite apart from anything else the level of implied hatred of anyone who wasn't rich was really quite repugnant.
So I am the guy who started it. One of two, actually.

I'm Brian Hemsworth. I was a cycling writer and photographer in the 1980s and 1990s. Co-founded Mountain Biking Magazine. Was director of marketing for Tom Ritchey. Wrote a lot for MBUK.

I have a collection of several thousand old MTB pics, as does Chris Hatounian, longtime bike photog. We simply decided to share them with the world. That's pretty much the story. We just began posting last week.

Most feedback has been super positive. Some think we're scammers. Truth is we're both former journalists, first in motorcycles, then in bicycles, and we both still ride. We have lots of friends from that time who are going to be contributing. Lots of old interviews with Ritchey, Fisher, Sinyard, Lindsay, Potts, and others.

Think of us as "open source." Hoping others enjoy today what we had the good fortune to be around the first time,

Good site.
Don't become like mtbr (vrc). Too many snobs there trying to relive the past. They should get off their sofa and ride a bike for a change.
Too bad they are joining retrobike.
Don't worry about the scammers. There are people every where trying to make money off this hobby. There are even eBay scammers.
Just go out, ride a bike and enjoy.
Congrats on the new site. Looks well put together.

Don't worry about the snobs, haters, and trolls. For everyone one of those there's a 100 great people that just love old MTB crap (as the wife calls it). I've lost count of all great connections I have made. :cool:

Best of luck.
A story about the "haters:" One day when I was leaving school on my StumpJumper some kid made fun of it because it's purple and has no shocks, therefore it "sucks." When I took look at his bike, it was a mere Wal Mart bike. Needless to say his point was moot.
About the snobs: When they have clubs and meetings, it's just best to steer clear of them so you don't have a debate.
About the site: It's good to see someone in the U.S. recognizing vintage bikes. Something better than MTBR. Nice job!