So I am the guy who started it. One of two, actually.
I'm Brian Hemsworth. I was a cycling writer and photographer in the 1980s and 1990s. Co-founded Mountain Biking Magazine. Was director of marketing for Tom Ritchey. Wrote a lot for MBUK.
I have a collection of several thousand old MTB pics, as does Chris Hatounian, longtime bike photog. We simply decided to share them with the world. That's pretty much the story. We just began posting last week.
Most feedback has been super positive. Some think we're scammers. Truth is we're both former journalists, first in motorcycles, then in bicycles, and we both still ride. We have lots of friends from that time who are going to be contributing. Lots of old interviews with Ritchey, Fisher, Sinyard, Lindsay, Potts, and others.
Think of us as "open source." Hoping others enjoy today what we had the good fortune to be around the first time,