When we moved to Wales last summer my wife bought me a full face helmet. She has an objective view of my tame DH talents...
She bought this Urge helmet reduced, from CRC in May 2013. I love the styling of it but if I am honest it's too tight. I have only worn it for about ten minutes in the house. It has never been ridden or even worn outside. I ended up buying a M Giro which fits me perfectly.
So the helmet is as new. There are a few small bubbles on the paint finish which were there when purchased. For this reason it was reduced to £105 by CRC. Unfortunately I chucked the box away when we moved house so I can not send it back to CRC. All the additional pads, bag and user manual are with it.
So... how about £75 posted
or would swap for a black 32 hole Hope Pro 2 rear hub or go some way to a PX on 150/160mm travel fork.
She bought this Urge helmet reduced, from CRC in May 2013. I love the styling of it but if I am honest it's too tight. I have only worn it for about ten minutes in the house. It has never been ridden or even worn outside. I ended up buying a M Giro which fits me perfectly.
So the helmet is as new. There are a few small bubbles on the paint finish which were there when purchased. For this reason it was reduced to £105 by CRC. Unfortunately I chucked the box away when we moved house so I can not send it back to CRC. All the additional pads, bag and user manual are with it.
So... how about £75 posted
or would swap for a black 32 hole Hope Pro 2 rear hub or go some way to a PX on 150/160mm travel fork.