New Project '59 Experto Crede

You lot are making me feel shamed into doing something with my Bates frame
Do it!
I was a devout stickler for originality, here for a couple of hours and these gentle folx showed me a new way of seeing insight and perspective on life and ownership of material goods.

The Pang of guilt only lasts as long as changing out original stuff, and the first ride. Putting on newish gear sensitively and sympathetically, that just works brilliantly making the bike totally'll never be the same!!! ;)

Rather be riding it and enjoying every min than having it hang on the one on the wall already. ;)

Bates, Wow -Got it's Diadrant forks? If you're confident the frame is good and long term ridable -why not? All reversible anyway., and 80's/90's is generally miles cheaper than the vintage gear I used to look at only, got a good mix of old and new, getting the best of both. Not confident enough to suggest what to use Mr break, or get, only just arrived here myself -only know with my set up on the Hetchins be happy to do LEJOG leaving in 20 mins, no issues, on a 65 year old bike that was heading for short Sunday rattle rides and sunny days only.

Got a superb platform there if you take the plunge...put a smile on yer face that be difficult to remove with plastic surgery.

We're all going to Bike hell now 😈🤟 Yeah!
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The sturmey I've got for my Hetch is an AM iirc, so I'm not having much gear choice.
Looks like short Sunday rattle rides and sunny days only for me on this baby.
Lucky I've got a few others🤔
Tis a beauty though -Brilliant/Comp?...I did run an AM for a time so know what you're saying...indeed

Well, how I sees it -we've got clothes for different occasions right? Same thing ;)
Think I half understood that ;)

No worries. Taken me the better part of a decade, I think.

Anyway, the idea is to use a small difference in tooth count between the two outer chain wheels to cover the relatively big steps between the rear cogs.

Here's an example of such a setup. By alternating between the two largest chain wheels you effectively "halve" the steps in terms of gear inches.

halfs-step plus granny_2.jpg

halfs-step plus granny.jpg
That helps a load Fixie... got the Calc out and working out a 26T ratio...but 28 would be ample at that end I'm sure.
Very useful chart mate - chain jump selection ok with the difference?
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28T inner...on it's way. That chart confirmed it for me, and I can clear the cage I think.
...£33, that'll do it -Last big spend this month!

Partly mi fault, - actually totally my fault.
Bought a broken in, used Brooks B17, with Copper roofing rivets for the bike, that was in the right price bracket (super cheap). Was just getting silly constantly swopping the same saddle across 3 bikes everytime i want to ride somat different, mucks up the saddle height too unless careful.

Generally don't mind spending a bit more for something comfortable to sit yer exhaust pipe on, but a good condition used Brooks B17, broken in has had the hard work done for you. `Loosen tension bolt if it has been tightened, just plonk into warm water for 10 mins. Pull out, straighten the nose, ( they always need straightening ), leave to dry. Once dry, proofride/Olive oil and yer on yer way to re-setting it to the personal contours of your undercarriage.

Do it with really old ones and they can crack up -so not recommended for anything that has lost flex.
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The sturmey I've got for my Hetch is an AM iirc, so I'm not having much gear choice.
View attachment 874068
Looks like short Sunday rattle rides and sunny days only for me on this baby.
Lucky I've got a few others🤔
I had a sturmey fitted to my Hobbs years ago. Gear 1 - against the wind. Gear 2 - tailwind. Gear 3 - down hill. I swapped it out to a sturmey 4 speed FW which gave me a gear for going up hill as well.
FW/FM's were great...few years back I bought the new self selecting/auto Sturmey version for an old bike I was doing, made long ago by a bike hero in Chesterfield, part of the Spires club (someone may know), forget his name, bought and made machine on a bike and nice guy by all accounts, anyway never fitted it and sold it on...always wondered what they're like?
I've never heard anything but dislike from (former) autochange hub owners.
I'm sure an obscure retroist will pipe up to tell us they're the best thing since the u-brake (😉) but I've talked to a few dozen P.Os - 100% dislike