Re: New Project 1988 Peugeot Triathlon
oh rite,cheer' made it look absolutely mint...thanks for that.
yeah there was a lot of experimenting with steeper seat post angles and such like in the late 80's-90's
in an effort to create the ultimate tri specific bike and make more use of the ham string muscles and save the quads a bit more for the run .tri then had a kind of 'wacky' feel to it 'with stories of people running into baker's shops and downing loaves of bread after heading towards glycogen depletion. all sorts of bikes were seen,even 650 wheeled sloping down t tube standard tt bikes of the time were ridden by the elite.also robin brew used principia 650 fr and rear.
later on the 'look kg82' and zipp's.the famous iron man champ of the time was mark allen .bitd hey