Nevr Dull - Amazing


Dirt Disciple
I know a number of posts have been written around polishing and how best to do it and what to use. Seems like Autosol is popular, but I never could find some in the States, but I found Nevr-Dull and its worked amazingly on bringing my Zaskar back to life. It's easy to use, gets in all the tough spots, and lasts. You don't even need to use that much to cover a good area.

I'll post pics soon of the finished product, but to those in the US, go out and get this stuff!
If you search it there's threads on here regarding nevrdull going back within weeks of that start of the's nothing new, you're a hundred or more frames behind some of us.
gm1230126":3kjovilq said:
If you search it there's threads on here regarding nevrdull going back within weeks of that start of the's nothing new, you're a hundred or more frames behind some of us.
What's your point? The guy is just sharing some good info you don't have to flame him just because its been done before
gm1230126":2p4myc88 said:
If you search it there's threads on here regarding nevrdull going back within weeks of that start of the's nothing new, you're a hundred or more frames behind some of us.

Well I've been on here just over a year, every single day and I've never heard of it - so it's probably best repeating for our US friends.. :)
No harm in repeating something anyway; I very rarely scroll past the first page of threads so if I've missed something interesting I'm not likely to see it unless someone replies to it at a later date, or repeats it because they haven't seen it before either... ;)
highlandsflyer":2tyu327q said:
He who is busy polishing is not busy riding.

Mud of varying grit is great for polishing, kill two birds with one arrow!

Agree with that - first thing I've found since I've actually started riding the Zaskar again is that I hardly bother polishing it now. Just occasional once over with Brasso and a rag and that does me. Goes jsut as quick either way. :)