Need some help


Retro Newbie
Hi I'm new to the forum and retro mountain bikes. Basically I'm a big guy looking for a retro mountain bike. I have found a Saracen hardtrax but my question is will that be up to the challenge? I was thinking get a lower budget bike them maybe in the future invest a bit more any suggestions? Thanks
Hi I'm new to the forum and retro mountain bikes. Basically I'm a big guy looking for a retro mountain bike. I have found a Saracen hardtrax but my question is will that be up to the challenge? I was thinking get a lower budget bike them maybe in the future invest a bit more any suggestions? Thanks
My advice would be to get out and ride it and see what you think, follow this forum then wait a bit while the retro bike addiction kicks in, next thing you know youll have 20 bikes in your collection or 40 like me 😁