Mystery bike solved

Hang on, I just looked a bit more, that is very close but a few features are missing, for example the shock mount has a few extra holes in it than the one Iā€™ve got, the cable guides are all in one, and it comes in sparkly red, not blue.
Yeah, so itā€™s not looking good, it looks very bad. So if anyone wants it for free and just pay for postage thatā€™s fine by me. Otherwise Iā€™m throwing it in the tip.
Ha, you can't say that without telling everyone you've dragged through this what it actually ended up being!

Especially after you were so sure it was something semi-special.

Assuming you've confirmed it's not?
Well, I wasnā€™t that sure, but it did look a lot like a specialized frame I found, but after more looks hope was getting grim. Iā€™d say it was a 50/50 distribution of hope. No one would leave a semi special frame on the street without a look up first!


Thanks for the help, even thought it did turn out to be a mid 2000s abomination.

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