my Thorn raven enduro 853 ss (it looks retro ish)

Just as long as you like it, no matter if its retro or not...

And almost everyone on this site has a modern bike, look at me i have 3... My On-One, my Giant and a roadie bike :oops:

I like Thorn bikes retro or not, very nice machines...
Ta chap need to do a ss pub ride soon (when we both get any time spare) i had a nice evening ride over to the rose and crown yesterday evening Mmmm Abott ale.
Hey Mr Toad :P Hope all is good and well !

What going on ??? new bike, this aint your style :lol:

Must stand corrected though, looks awsome, Nice job with the braze on's and the magura's. Them forks look pretty light and responsive.

I like the look of the chain you are using, what is it ??


GM 8)
I know its a bit new for my selection of rides but it does feel pretty retro, the forks are realy nice and responsive,stiff (but not harse like say project twos) and are avalible in black or green from WWW.SJSCycles.COM the chain comes from charlie the bike monger and is a Gusset Half Link Single Speed Chain 3/32 and cost £14.99 + £2.49 p+p.

Cheers for now Toad
