What the heck...I love this bike so I thought I'd show it off
I bought it new in 1994 when It was new for £249
Since then I recently added riser bars, a comfy seat and new lights
I still do red/black runs on it keeping up the skills needed for rigid fork riding. A bit tough going sometimes, but so what I love it
This bike had sat in the shed for years till I got it out again last year and was bitten by the bug all over again
Fair few scratches and paint flakes I know but it is 15 years old and well used
You can see the thread exposed on the tyre walls with age
Shimano Hyperdrive 11-28 on the rear
Shimano Altus Canti's with new 63mm pads ( actually work very well even in wet )
Shimano Altus SC-TC90
Cant wait for the ice to go away
I bought it new in 1994 when It was new for £249
Since then I recently added riser bars, a comfy seat and new lights
I still do red/black runs on it keeping up the skills needed for rigid fork riding. A bit tough going sometimes, but so what I love it
This bike had sat in the shed for years till I got it out again last year and was bitten by the bug all over again
Fair few scratches and paint flakes I know but it is 15 years old and well used
You can see the thread exposed on the tyre walls with age
Shimano Hyperdrive 11-28 on the rear
Shimano Altus Canti's with new 63mm pads ( actually work very well even in wet )
Shimano Altus SC-TC90
Cant wait for the ice to go away