I normally don't like the triple triangle design, but this bike is simply fantastic. Very nice and clean build, and there's nothing wrong with putting the (right) modern parts on a bike like this!
I keep coming back to this thread and think to myself - Bastardo!! (In a nice way though ) - Bugger, one of the sleekest, stunning looking GT bike that has been on here for while.
very nice machine, simple, clean lines, parts choice is very well thought out.
well done.
one question though, obviousley it's a duo up front with a dura ace mech but does it shift ok with the xtr 3 speed shifter?
i assume you have set it up so you don't use the third position on the shifter but this set up then doesn't have a trim to cope with the more extreme chainlines, so do you get away with the mech cos this model has a wider cage?
Pretty good for when you think about it all GT intended was in getting a non US made 'cheapo' Ti frame on the market to satisfy the markets Xizang lust fest.
Correction.....GT was only answering the call and desires of their international distributors when the Lightning was introduced. It was their distributors that wanted a lower price, lower taxed bike to sell for a pre-carbon era market that was hot on Ti at the time. There was ovbiously a price difference between the Xizang and Lightning...part of that was the off shore sourcing but also remember that the Lighting had specs somewhere between a Tequesta and Karakoram level spec. The Lightning frame is an excellent frame and for the most part the same tubing and geometry as the Xizang with a less expensive bead blasted finish. I think most here that have experience with it would agree that the Lightning frame is probably the best ever Asian produced hardtail titanium production frame.