and i found this pic on my old hard disc, it's a 19" moonrise attitude as well but with painted MC2, very nice. i don't remember whose it is but i don't think it is yours.
I hear most recent from ugly sources that its currently riding around Brighton somewhere !!! God knows how rough it looks now !!
Oh well.. Thanks anyways bud. Like the look of the MC2 version in that pic!! Very nearly tempted myself into buying that one on Ebay all last week!! Moonrise with same painted Rock shox etc, from the States!! Sold for about $1500 in the end !!
If it weren't for the stupid arse tax and duties which we have to pay Tony Blair for the privilege, I would have def bought it !! No way is the government getting another £300 out of me for a push bike !!
Blah blah blah, I hate England . . . .World Cup etc etc....