My card detail have been copied

old school cool

Dirt Disciple
Just had a call from my bank my card has been copied and an atempt to use it has been detected.

They went through all my transactions over the phone and the only ones that are out of the ordinanry are a mates bike shop, a kfc and a petrol station I don't normally use.

I'm going round to beat my mate up in a min, cos their is no way it was the guy in the petrol station who took my card and the chip and pin machine off me when it didn't work....
my mothers card got copied! she only found out after someone had spent $2500+ in a dance music shop in florida over a 2 day period, the bank rang her at her home address in the Uk to check on the card usage and to authaurise another payment to the shop as she was about to max her card out :shock: it took a little while for the guy on the phone to figure out that as he was talking to the card owner on her home phone in the uk that he should probably put a stop on it! DOH!
If they were telephone transactions she could just say 'goods not received' (there is a time limit) and get all her money back. . .