my bike

Really a nice onee. I only should consider to replace the brake cables behind the bar instead in front on them. I like the bar end shifters.
Certainly one for the rBOtM
This is genuinely one of those bikes that you never imagine you'll buy. Pretty much untouched since 1975 when it was first raced, including the earth tape on the bars, and immaculate original paint. I'm changing stem and cranks so I can ride it but retaining all original parts. It's a beauty.
Nice machine. Do you have short legs and long arms? Is the frame the right size looks like you like to ride long n low? Liking it lots
It's currently as set up for its previous owner, with the exception of saddle height. It has a 140mm stem on it. Has 177.5 cranks, hence the low saddle position. On this frame I really need shorter cranks and shorter stem. Ideally, it would be also be 1/2" smaller, but its OK. The biggest problem are the cranks really. I'll swap them for 170 or 165 when I find some.