muddyfox courier comp


Dirt Disciple
hi im hopeing you kind peeps here at retrobike cab help me out i have just bought a muddyfox courier comp off e-bay it was sold as fully working, when i got it home the gears were shot they jump in every gear when you put any amount of pressure on the peddle and in the lower gears 7/14/21 its just total crap to ride now the bloke has given me half my money back but im just wondering how to fix it as im not that clued up on bikes a shop said it will be new chain and cassette but the bloke who sold me it said the shop must have thought it was a fixed cassette and got it wrong ??? can some one point me in the right direction for the parts i need thanks joe
BTW if it take me ages to reply it because im on the wifes crappy laptop its so slow im about to smash it off the wall
5 posts I think,

Sounds like you will need new chain, chainrings (probably middle) and a cassette / frewheel depending on you type of rear hub. If its the green one :cool: its should be a cassette. All drive chain parts wear in harmony with each other and if chain is not changed often it will stretch and wear out the other parts in contact.