Moving house.


Retrobike Rider
Just had an offer on my house :D
The lady paid the asking price :D
And I have found the perfect place for me and my family :D
Away from scummy neighbours who play music for 12 hours at the weekend
And away from next door which is a half way house for ex criminals, druggies, alcoholics etc :D
Plus I will have a garden 10 times the size of what I have now. :D
Happy days :D

Good news buddy :-D
Myself and the Mrs have just moved after thinking we were settled, best thing that has happened for us.
Enjoy your new start :)
Nice one, we moved into our last house and found out why the last residents sold up a couple of days later, yep noisy assholes who thought they could get away with it, as the last lot rolled over, didn't let them get away with it, but we sold up after 2 1/2 years and are now in a lovely cottage and couldn't be happier so know how you feel. Hope all goes great for the future.
Congratulations and here's hoping you enjoy your new home.

But more importantly, how big is the shed?
The History Man":1tnb32r3 said:
Congratulations and here's hoping you enjoy your new home.

But more importantly, how big is the shed?

the shed is quite small, but i will be building something more substatial.
but it does have 2 green houses and a summer house and 3 outhouses.
i'm sure i will find a good hiding place for my retrobike related items.
Not to put a dampener on your sale, but offer doesn't equal paid for.

Still there is nothing to beat being in a place you can relax in. After living in various hell holes for about a decade (thankfully rented) it is lovely to be living on the outskirts of a small quiet village.

Fingers crossed for you!
Congratulations - all the best for the move. We had a relatively straightforward one recently and it was stressful enough to make me not to want to do it again for a good while.

You'll have some interesting decisions to make when you fill in your property information form, though? I understand the duty to disclose information about neighbours' behaviour is much more significant than it used to be?
The neighbours section isn't there any more, wasn't when we moved in February or 2 1/2 years ago and then it was only if there was a legal dispute, hence why we got bit by moving next to assholes.