Mountain Mayhem Returns 2019 let the planning and BS begin


Another course teaser :wink: :D

elPedro666":12xsjykh said:
Cloister":12xsjykh said:
coming in from either Marston Trussel or Sibbertoft ... a farm half a mile away ... bottom of Dick’s Hill just off the Sibbertoft Road

I'm sorry, are we meant to believe that these are real places?! All sounds like an elaborate wind up...
These are all real.

My Nan lived in Scraptoft. I be Born in Leicester me duck. Grew up in Leicestershire.

Had lo leave. they said. Occasionally I return, under cover of darkness, moving from village to village, street to street, window to window.....
RickTheUncivil":1njyb9iz said:
wonder if that narrow bridge top right is part of the circuit? :wink:

looks like the trail goes to the right, maybe a runoff if you cant stop down the hill :lol:
Laptop loaded with tunes (no ramstein), fruit and nutcase disco being wired up tomorrow afternoon and loaded up, elgrand of joy loaded with beer and beans

I'm nowhere near ready. Can't find any of my camping gear, my bike's in the shop broken and I'm working tomorrow so no time to prepare.

Think it's a good job I'm bringing 2 bikes ( I hope) as thought I had loads of spares but actually have none :facepalm:

Oh and just to pour salt in the wound I've been ill all week.

Good thing I love a challenge. :wink:
Re: Re:

MarinMartin":3lagqxdy said:
I'm nowhere near ready. Can't find any of my camping gear, my bike's in the shop broken and I'm working tomorrow so no time to prepare.

Think it's a good job I'm bringing 2 bikes ( I hope) as thought I had loads of spares but actually have none :facepalm:

Oh and just to pour salt in the wound I've been ill all week.

Good thing I love a challenge. :wink:

It would be way too easy if everything went your own way - might be nice once in a while though

Will be good to see yah again !

Wouldn't know what to do if things actually went my way. :lol: but I'm looking forward to it.

Can't wait to see everyone again and some new faces.