Mountain Mayhem Gatcombe Park 16/17/18 June 2017

kingbling":24ynboyt said:
Hotwheels.":24ynboyt said:
The History Man":24ynboyt said:
Rogers: "This is a composer. German by birth, English by adoption. Best known for an oratorio published in 1741. It was called Messiah. You're bound to know his handle."
Female contestant: (presses buzzer) "Oh God, I used to have it at school... Handel's Water Music..."
Rogers: "So who's the composer?"
Female contestant: "Chopin?"
(audience shrieks in disbelief)
Rogers: (shrugs shoulders and turns to other team) "So I can offer it to you."
Male contestant: "Beethoven?

So who was it?

I don't think we have a Handel on this one :wink:

You spelt handle wrong, dummy.

So after everyone has brought loads of lights, we ain't just gonna lay them all over the floor to look shite are we. What we gonna use to make the 'tunnel of wonderment'?

If we all bring some bamboo garden canes and set them up like teepees either side of the track draped in fairy lights it will look like a procession of christmas trees or iluminated KKK members (depends on how weird your mind works) :shock:

Changing subject slightly, sorting out what bikes I will possibly be bringing, the Yeti hasn't been used since last year. Still got mud on it! And race number!!!

Heretic !!!

He who would denounce the true topic of Fairy Lights with his temptations of the bike !!!

Stone him and drive him from our midst.

Now back to thine shrine of the fairest lights :P