** Mountain Mayhem 2022 - ITS ON ! (in a fashion)

Whose in then -

With it being only two man teams this year it should be easier to sort whose going and hopefully buddy folk up with a fellow Retro rider
so here goes the first draft using names that have already shown an interest

I will spam some of the old guard but as per every other year hope that at least 30/40% are first timers keen to join what Long un refers to as "...just for sh**s and giggles" - mostly middle aged riding antiques with silly sized wheels and talking about how fast they were back in the 1990's

so please post on the tread or PM me if your interested in going

Sorry dude already signed in for York. As they kept secrets for too long I didnt think it would happen. As long as its 24 hour next year for sure im back, still got the crews firs pit and the bag of logs :)
THM has my dance card marked, unless @JimBobBurt is allowed to ride.
Nice one Tim 👍

room for plenty more :)

Due to the lateness of the announcement 22's event isn't as we know and only a single day with an overnighter - more info below


Mountain Mayhem Returns... Kind of.

PVS Events Ltd is delighted to announce that Mountain Mayhem™ will be returning to the MTB calendar this year on 18th June. However, it seems nothing is straight forward in the post-Covid world, so it’s not all that simple. First things first, organisation of Mountain Mayhem™ is back under the...
Friday night camping? Can anybody persuade the organisers to let us in? Bit of a deal breaker for me.
Friday night camping? Can anybody persuade the organisers to let us in? Bit of a deal breaker for me.
I just picked up on this. That’s a pain if it’s true