** Mountain Mayhem 2022 - ITS ON ! (in a fashion)

I'll be honest I'd already decided I wasn't doing it this year even if it happened. Seems like a good shout as I like the challenge of the 24hr. And I'm even building a retro bike for it next year (build thread soon)

I've got twentyfour 12 to look forward to this year. Not that I'm in any fit state but I've got sentimental reasons for it this year.

The last time i saw you Martin was 24/12 a couple of years back and i thought you said you was giving the riding up bud?
The last time i saw you Martin was 24/12 a couple of years back and i thought you said you was giving the riding up bud?

Yeah 2019. That was my last event officially. Did absolutely rubbish (not that I was any good before) and was in pain for most of it so I had no intention of entering again, even sold my race bike, but was only giving up events not riding completely, it's the only thing keeping my mental health in check. I was just doing leisure rides to keep me fighting.

I suffered an abdominal injury which led to further complications in 2020 and was off the bike for nearly a year but I lost a good friend to brain cancer in July. He loved the 24hr races and his family supported me through my challenges so I swore I would go back and do them at least once more in his memory. No chance of being competitive as I'm still in rehab at the moment (slowly getting there, got my first 20 mile ride planned since the injury this weekend) so just doing it for charity this year and if I'm not paralysed by the end of it then I'll do both mayhem and 24/12 in 2023 with the intention of reaching the target I never managed. Haven't entered anything since then so no idea how things will work out but I need a light at the end of my tunnel.
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This is not mayhem.

This is a watered down version of the event I hold dear to my heart.

Looking at the site it seems you can’t camp on the Friday night. This is my biggest issue. How do I prepare my traditional Saturday morning repast while busily setting up camp for less that 24 hours? how are we supposed to decompress with a few beers, bottles of red, fine comestibles and bonhomie around a washing machine drum of love? How will the far flung attendees feel about such scant rewards for their efforts? I for one was never fit to drive by midday Saturday when the race started. If festivities that usually last into the early hours are restricted to Saturday night after the race and we have to leave the site by midday Sunday, can I limit my consumption to perhaps a single bottle of wine and port?

I can envisage the vast majority of riders unclipping their bikes from their vehicles, competing and returning home all in the same day. This will create a different vibe around the campsite. Who will we annoy? Where will the fun police find us? Will the retrospud rocket of righteousness return for another mesmerising midnight mission to the stars?

Not given this much thought as yet but my enthusiasm although somewhat dampened has been ignited by the return of an old friend, a release, a chance to ride a little, relax a great deal more, reacquaint with those sorely missed…….

I’m in.
Dirk, if you’re in, I’m in.
Pairs? Pears? Pares?
My local garage was selling diesel at £1.53 last week, now it’s £1.73
At this rate I’m not sure I’m driving anywhere soon!

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