
Nice Mini :cool:

Sold my Subaru (dead engine) this morning for about a tenth what I paid for it LOL Still got a couple of sets of Scooby alloys with tyres if anyone interested........

Christmas is coming :xmas-big-grin:

Sold the RX8 a few weeks back as it was sitting around not being used :(
With prices at rock bottom I got back 90% of what I originally paid for it around a year ago :D
After a year of owning a rotary engined car I can honestly say that it gave me no problems at all, I did look after it though, very regular fuel stops with Shells finest and lots of 2-stroke oil, but I'd consider another rotary again.

For now the diseasel work van will suffice :|
Merc diesels don't hang around in the classifieds.

Great to hear you got your money back on the RX8. I have always fancied another Wankel, but I doubt it will ever happen thanks to the wife. Particularly taken with the NSU RO80. I had a lovely trip into the ditch at the bottom of the drive earlier, thanks to sheet ice. Four wheel drive is all good until there is zero grip! Had to resort to the Grand Voyager. Not something you want to drive on ice, to be honest, being seriously tail happy yet front wheel drive. Managed okay though, on a forty mile trip, with only the main roads drivable.


I see from earlier posts that a few of us have project cars so need some advice. I have a Nissan project car that I have been trying to restore but the winter is looming.

So I need to keep it safely mothballed until the weather improves (and wallet :( )

I have cleaned the car and fitted a car cover, but wondering what to do about the battery, interior, brakes etc that may deteriorate. I have some moisture traps inside the car and boot.

? :p

The best thing to do is take the covers off once a week and run it. If possible, drive it around a bit.

If you cannot avoid leaving it standing, leave it in gear rather than on the handbrake.

Brakes will corrode, but as long as you keep an eye on them it is nothing that a gentle Italian tune up won't solve.

I keep around a dozen vehicles stored out at all times, and we find a once a week run about is the best solution.

Thanks highlandsflyer :)

The car has no MOT :( so cant drive it. I have left the car in gear with the handbrake off, I have some chocks for the wheels, I move the car regularly up and down the driveway to stop flatspots on the tyres.
Re: Re:

widowmaker":2550o519 said:
I see from earlier posts that a few of us have project cars so need some advice. I have a Nissan project car that I have been trying to restore but the winter is looming.

So I need to keep it safely mothballed until the weather improves (and wallet :( )

I have cleaned the car and fitted a car cover, but wondering what to do about the battery, interior, brakes etc that may deteriorate. I have some moisture traps inside the car and boot.

? :p

Disconnect the battery and keep it indoors, or keep it charged up using an Optimate battery charger or something similar.
Definitely leave the handbrake off, just put it in gear.
As mentioned by Highlandsflyer, probably the best thing is to just start it up and run it a while each week, gives the engine a warm up and hopefully dries out any moisture inside the car . You can always put a moisture trap/bag of rice/ bag of salt or whatever inside the car to collect moisture.
I know the woes of a mouldy interior from leaving an mx5 outside unused over a winter :facepalm:

Around a thousand miles on all sorts of snow, mud and tarmac, and it simply does what it says on the tin.

Not as nice to drive as the Japanese, but reassuringly repairable cheaply.

Can't believe it took me so long to come round to the realisation a Landy does not have to be a Series to be serious!


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