Most annoying parts to fit !?!

Front mechs with STI... if you hold your mouth wrong it takes for ever to get them just right. From time to time you end up so far out of kilter I take them off, reset both the limit screws then start again.

USE seat clamps - the secret is put them in place, then use a zip tie to hold it altogether whilst you do the bolts up (works for both inline & alien clamps)

Chains - natty little gizmo made by someone, basically a spring which holds your chain together whilst you faff with the chain splitter Use this when splitting too so chain doesn't fall onto the carpet (not that I would ever condone getting caught fettling in the living room)

Not the one I've got but similar ... elID=10221
Not that I want to steal sales from CRC but isn't that just a bent spoke, made one in the workshop by wrapping a spoke once round a marker pen and hey presto a tool that lasts years and years!

Worst part, any cable hanger (ie chill pill, Ringle 'peace off' etc) that used stupid size keys to tighten. Put any force on them and the bolt or the key rounds off a treat never to be moved again.
I took a shimano freewheel appart, millions of tiny ball bearings that need to be held in place with a smear of grease before you can get it back together. That was before I learnt the trick of blowing lube through the freewheel to clean it out and lubricate the gubbins inside.
Just made my my rocker on my RC35's work perfectly 1st time with XTR canti's. I put 2 hrs aside for the job and it was done almost immediately! :shock: They even pull 'together'.

I promise never to touch them!! :LOL:
Not bike parts, but I bloody hate arsing around beneath sinks with taps and stuff..........most plumbers (and this is a FACT) only spend two weeks with pipes and stuff, and rest of their served time is learning a vast vocabulary of swearing...................
Bottom bracket units with 2 or 4 holes for pin-type tools instead of proper splines. Impossible to get out without ripping the holes to pieces, unless you took them out once a month "just in case it siezes". Not exactly low maintenance..