MORATI crankset

With all respect, but with the way you express yourself in this topic and the previous topic, you can expect a reaction like this. I do not remember seeing a person more explicitely outing he is sitting on a gold mine.

Moreover it is a fact Retrobike is indeed no eBay. Other intentions, other community (for as far eBay can be considered a community :roll: ), other ethics and so on. Make up your mind.
:discussion: :?:
Nice cranks.
As someone once said to me:
"They're not expensive, they just cost a lot of money"
By default that will limit the number of interested parties. But its still a €900 crank going for €900. Seems ok to me. . .
Well...I am in forum for selling something to someone,thats the fact.And if I know,what I have,I can write,what I want, if its not against the rules.Looks like,that you are not going to buy the cranks and I dont care at all,cause I know,that I ll sell them one day for sure for the money,what I asked. I have just tried here.And if I dont get it again,I am sorry,but I am not native English ;)
Yes,Morati stems or seatpost are not that rare,but full titanium crankset is a different story..There wasnt much brands,who is made titanium cranks.And also with weight over 300 grams is comparable with the lightests carbon ones.
they are marvelous and man they would fit good on my upcoming titanium frame...but 900 e is really too much for me, especially when they are not that technically advanced (like rotor or other super rigid hi tech cranks). same story goes with the paul rasta groupo or other retro parts, but i think this is somehow what makes retro lovers so special, they're enthusiasm reminds me of Morrissey fans(I'm one of them)... 40 year old boys crying out at a Morrissey gig! :D
To add my two p's worth .They are an absolute work of art as a piece of bike jewellery ,They ARE expensive ,and a member of the forum is trying to sell them for what he thinks they are worth ,all ok so far? so whats the problem ??