Merlin Titanium, with a twist

:cool: very nice, very clean looking.

I think a pair of RC31's in all black would really suit the build, and personally i feel the look of the bars rise is spot on, but if its being ridden then looks aren't everything :)
This thread seemed to stop. But this is not the finish. I rode the bike once, and this confirmed I needed to pull the front up a little. I had shorter 90mm stem in the stash, so that went on.


Now I know I need some rigid forks, perhaps some RC31, perhaps I can make something myself. I have a hand injury at the moment and am recovering from surgery, so nothing but searching at the rn.
There’s so much I like about this build - refinishing the saddle and all the other puzzles worked out. Hats off to you sir - The race face parts totally work too.
Ok, thanks to a pair of perfect gentleman on here, I was able to assemble a set of RC31 forks onto this.

The forks as they arrived:-


A quick once over with some paint stripper saw the black paint removed. I could then prepare them for a rattle can paint finish.





The brake posts also came from here, and just needed a quick polish and tumble to bring them back.


And fitted.




I like that these are the early radiator crown forks, they compliment the age of the rest of the bike better. I'm still on the fence regarding the brake being fitted to the back of the fork on these. I might try it to see if there is an improvement in performance, as I think I prefer the look of them on the front on these. Weight its now a respectable sub 21lb, ready to ride. And ride it I will, gently.

Might be a little late…
I did my own retro bike build and had some problems with the headset.
The headset is a brand new NOS Race Face Real Seal and the frame is Ti. There were no visual damages on the head tube and a high quality pressing tool was used. We first pressed in the upper cup alone, than the lower cup (not both together). Still both cups have left a small gap (thickness of a sheet of paper). But that gap goes around the cups, it’s not just on one side and as said is on both cups. So in my imagination the headset can not be crooked… it might have a small angle…
What do you think? What was wrong with your headset that made the mech. guess it was krooked?
Thank you very much
Best Regards
Which model is it? I has the vintage decals but some Extralite tubing (Seat tube). I am confused.