Whoa! If you are referring to any of my comments you have this completely backwards. Your bike is definitely, without any doubt, a genuine team bike, or an exact replica sold by MBK, and is rare and (in my view) highly desirable--and someone should buy it. (I almost bought it myself, before you did, but decided that it was lightly too small for me.) My question, or one of them, is whether these were ever sold to the public. The fact that no MBK literature has so far been turned up that mentions this model, it leads me to think that you have an actual team bike and not a replica. In further support of the argument I offered the information that Motobecane had gone bankrupt by 1984 and had probably ended production of team replica bikes--I noted that I had not seen an actual 1984 Team Champion, or "La Redoute Replica," only actual team bikes. I believe that the "Special Pro" I have was the best they could do by 1984, and probably offered mainly to employees.
Again, everyone: This is the real deal and a fabulous bike. Our friend here should not have to struggle to sell it!
Again, everyone: This is the real deal and a fabulous bike. Our friend here should not have to struggle to sell it!