Mayhem 2020 cancelled due to apocalypse

Re: Re:

jazzibizznizz":3ldo8j8w said:
I'm already planning next year's event. There are loads of brilliant ideas floating around in my head right now, team names and a training regime planned out.

All of which will be forgotten about until mid May next year, when I'll realise that maybe I should start riding again!

So glad your in for next year - at least now there’s someone half sane to have a conversation with

Close to being 51 weeks away !

Daft as it sounds from a selfish point of view I look forward to it more than Christmas ( sad isn’t it :LOL: )
Re: Re:

Retro Spud":10um3p4a said:
jazzibizznizz":10um3p4a said:
I'm already planning next year's event. There are loads of brilliant ideas floating around in my head right now, team names and a training regime planned out.

All of which will be forgotten about until mid May next year, when I'll realise that maybe I should start riding again!

So glad your in for next year - at least now there’s someone half sane to have a conversation with

Close to being 51 weeks away !

Daft as it sounds from a selfish point of view I look forward to it more than Christmas ( sad isn’t it :LOL: )

Bibble...... peep!


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Re: Mountain mayhem 2020

I wish I'd gone round for a lap, the pics I have seen of the course make me think i may have liked it a lot more than Gatcombe.

I reckon I 'll see how i feel when entry time comes round.
Really tempted to just go for it any way.

I really don't enjoy Christmas either,compared to Mayhem :roll:
Re: Re:

jazzibizznizz":3lsyg1b1 said:
I'm already planning next year's event. There are loads of brilliant ideas floating around in my head right now, team names and a training regime planned out.

All of which will be forgotten about until mid May next year, when I'll realise that maybe I should start riding again!

I'm already planning next year's event. There are loads of brilliant ideas floating around in my head right now, team names and a training regime planned out.

All of which will be forgotten about until mid May next year, when I'll realise that maybe I should start riding again!
Re: Re:

Hotwheels.":xs4wcokc said:
jazzibizznizz":xs4wcokc said:
I'm already planning next year's event. There are loads of brilliant ideas floating around in my head right now, team names and a training regime planned out.

All of which will be forgotten about until mid May next year, when I'll realise that maybe I should start riding again!

I'm already planning next year's event. There are loads of brilliant ideas floating around in my head right now, team names and a training regime planned out.

All of which will be forgotten about until mid May next year, when I'll realise that maybe I should start riding again!

I bet you were the kid at school who copied other peoples work and stole their Ideas .... :LOL: :LOL:
Re: Mountain mayhem 2020

As we are thinking of ideas…. Here’s a little one that could be fun.

When a few of us popped down to the MM start/finish concessions village we were regularly addressed regarding our bikes (especially Hotwheels & his show pony) so maybe when RetroSpud has a conversation with the organisers about next year and our promised field of dreams, perhaps they would be interested in a show pony display on the Friday afternoon/early evening?
Maybe we could all go down with our finest and do a couple of laps of the start/finish arena (walking pace-ish) in a specific order whilst a MM host dude reads off of a crib sheet over the public address system? Then maybe either a concourse/best in show to be judged by one of the sponsors, finishing off with a little mini flat race if anyone fancies it?

Over to you Spud
Re: Mountain mayhem 2020

Inspired by Nobby, sign for the camp...

“It’s not a flashback, 26” is still here”
Re: Mountain mayhem 2020

PeachyPM":38w4b1j0 said:
As we are thinking of ideas…. Here’s a little one that could be fun.

When a few of us popped down to the MM start/finish concessions village we were regularly addressed regarding our bikes (especially Hotwheels & his show pony) so maybe when RetroSpud has a conversation with the organisers about next year and our promised field of dreams, perhaps they would be interested in a show pony display on the Friday afternoon/early evening?
Maybe we could all go down with our finest and do a couple of laps of the start/finish arena (walking pace-ish) in a specific order whilst a MM host dude reads off of a crib sheet over the public address system? Then maybe either a concourse/best in show to be judged by one of the sponsors, finishing off with a little mini flat race if anyone fancies it?

Over to you Spud

A display in the main arena has been brought up a few times - however it always feel apart on having someone to take care of them - and public liability

however I like your idea as its a short sharp event - "event" being the operative word, I know Longun would love to have a static display in the Retro encampment over the weekend so the above could be a taster to temp folk over at their leisure during the weekend

I've purposely held off contacting Jill for a week just to let the dust settle and giving her time to reflect upon the event and gather her thoughts , I'll let you know the outcome !

great idea btw

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