Mayhem 2020 cancelled due to apocalypse

Re: Re:

jazzibizznizz":131p04lk said:
Retro Spud":131p04lk said:
I bet you were the kid at school who copied other peoples work and stole their Ideas .... :LOL: :LOL:

No, I was the kid who couldn't get the hang of modern technology (computers? Seriously? They're so geeky, it'll never catch on) and spent all my time in the CDT block making things!

:LOL: i dont think they had computers when i was at school, had metalwork and woodwork that turned into craft design and technology. That and technical drawing were the two subjects i really tried hard at, and got the lowest grades, geography on the other hand, where i was told to sit at the back so as not to disturb others who wanted to learn, i got my highest marks :shock:
Re: Mountain mayhem 2020

BerthaPog":3di1o22g said:
chaos de montagne vingt vingt
vieux mecs avec vieux vélos
disco de fruits et noix
génial chahut

maillots superb
nourriture brillante
OUI! :cool:

Peachy!":3di1o22g said:
As we are thinking of ideas….
Maybe we could all go down with our finest and do a couple of laps of the start/finish arena
Hell no, I don't actually ride my retrobikes! :LOL:
Peachy!":3di1o22g said:
Then maybe either a concourse/best in show to be judged by one of the sponsors, finishing off with a little mini flat race if anyone fancies it?
Sounds like the WD-40 Retro Show'n'Shine at Malverns, to which WD-40 put up a £1,000 first prize last year (it didn't run this year, 2019, due to event cancellation cos of the rain - but I think plans were afoot to have the grand prize fund split for different categories. Longun is your man to speak to about a show'n'shine contest, as he's one of the Malverns' judges.
The History Man":3di1o22g said:
It's a family event. Not a stag night.
I'm inclined to agree. Names sound horribly vulgar, Nobby. It's a "no" from me, sorry mate. :(

nobby you bellend lol, for your information i wont be popping to halfords i will be popping to customs to pick up a 40ft beast lol

thanks andy
