Marin Pine Mountain 1992, Mint Condition, for sale (maybe)


Senior Retro Guru
So here's the deal, I've just bought a beautiful 1992 Marin Pine Mountain and I'm over the moon, best bike I've owned and really looking forward to using it. I used to read about bikes like this as a teenager (obligatory retrobike 'back in the day' comment, but true: from memory the Team Titanium was exactly £2k - this website's been invaluable while I've been researching what to buy, the original marin catalogue's even in the gallery section).

It's absolutely mint condition, hardly ridden and well kept, original tyres with hardly any wear and the rest equally good. Which is great except that there's no way I'll be able to keep it in that condition or treat it how it should be treated, will be kept outdoors for a start and ridden daily. Which is fine by me, bikes are for riding after all, but some mates think its a shame since such a good bike in such nick is pretty rare. They suggested it might be worth more than I paid and that someone who would look after it and only ride it occasionally might want to rescue it from me.

I'll probably wind up keeping it - I'd be gutted to let it go - but if the price was right so that I could get a decent replacement I'd consider it. So if anyone wants to make any offers... I'm on the south coast but ads I've seen suggest a bike can be delivered for about £20 (I'd need to look into this properly if the need arose).

I have to put a price so... £300.


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Coupla questions.. Is it a 19"? Whereabouts on the South Coast are you?
Off camping for the weekend, no internet access til Monday. Nice one on bike of the month by the way.
thank **** its too big, my grandmother is getting p'd off with being put on eBay ;)

Lovely bike, keep it and get yourself a shed! :LOL:
Marin pine

Hi, i am new to this site and only signed up because i saw your marine pine, id love to buy it and would be willing to give the asking price... please contact me to discuss.
Hi al MAC, just looked back at this (old!) thread out of curiosity. Are you still interested? It's not as clean but there's nothing wrong with it. Would have to give it some thought as its my pride and joy but I've been wondering how to afford my summer plans.
Marine PINE

Hi , Yes i am still intreasted but like yourself i check this site very rarley so mabey we could exchange email addresses and take it from there, i tried to private mail you with mine but am un farmiliar with this site and it wouldnt let me for some reason.......