Iain Stott
Retro Newbie
First thread and hopefully I will bring something worth while to the table. First off Hi everyone, think I could spend quite a while here. I used to be into my Mountain Bikes big time in the late '90's early '00's then life got in the way and I turned into a commuter cyclist rather than pleasure. Also sorry this is going to be fairly long....
So last year sometime I won a Marin Mount Vision frame on eBay fairly cheap, with the intention of curing my retro build obsession and then selling it to start wheeler dealering my way to upgrading my current bike for a bit more of the recreational side of going down a hill. The frame arrived and my Mrs fell in love with it when she saw it, understandably so, so it's now destined to be between her legs for the rest of its life, lucky bugger. It went into storage over the winter while I secured period parts for it and have the last few incoming this week. This bike is only going to be a weekend cruiser going for a picnic in the woods type of thing, nice clean functional retro build, not too much expected of it.
I was hoping to not remove the swing arm as I've never done that before and don't want to disturb something that doesn't appear to be faulty. There is maybe 0.5mm play in the pivot point and the shock seems to be nice and smooth, but the paint job on the swing arm is horrendous.... Orange peel to death, parts where it's been touched before being fully cured, mech hanger and chain stay protectors painted in situ, just plain nasty. So that has to be sorted. The decals on the frame are bad and need to go too, so while I'm working on the swing arm, may as well do the frame and fork lowers and customise the colour scheme a little. I'm thinking dark matt grey for the frame and handlebars then the Swing arm, Fork lowers, seat post and handlebar stem bright orange, like the orange the Mt Vision Pro came in.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone would be able to answer a few questions I have before I get down to stripping the frame down.
When I get the frame and swing arm apart, if the bearings need replacing for reasons I can't tell at the moment, am I going to struggle to find replacements or are they a standard size still commonly found??
Is the 0.5mm play in the pivot point something to be worried about??
And then last one, the frame came with a Fox Vanilla Float R shock, which again feels nice and smooth, but once compressed leaves a visible line of oil/grime(?) round the sanction(?). Is this a sign of replacement or will a service (I know it could do with one but haven't got the money right now) hopefully sort it out??
Anyway here's some before pics to say thanks for getting this far.
So last year sometime I won a Marin Mount Vision frame on eBay fairly cheap, with the intention of curing my retro build obsession and then selling it to start wheeler dealering my way to upgrading my current bike for a bit more of the recreational side of going down a hill. The frame arrived and my Mrs fell in love with it when she saw it, understandably so, so it's now destined to be between her legs for the rest of its life, lucky bugger. It went into storage over the winter while I secured period parts for it and have the last few incoming this week. This bike is only going to be a weekend cruiser going for a picnic in the woods type of thing, nice clean functional retro build, not too much expected of it.
I was hoping to not remove the swing arm as I've never done that before and don't want to disturb something that doesn't appear to be faulty. There is maybe 0.5mm play in the pivot point and the shock seems to be nice and smooth, but the paint job on the swing arm is horrendous.... Orange peel to death, parts where it's been touched before being fully cured, mech hanger and chain stay protectors painted in situ, just plain nasty. So that has to be sorted. The decals on the frame are bad and need to go too, so while I'm working on the swing arm, may as well do the frame and fork lowers and customise the colour scheme a little. I'm thinking dark matt grey for the frame and handlebars then the Swing arm, Fork lowers, seat post and handlebar stem bright orange, like the orange the Mt Vision Pro came in.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone would be able to answer a few questions I have before I get down to stripping the frame down.
When I get the frame and swing arm apart, if the bearings need replacing for reasons I can't tell at the moment, am I going to struggle to find replacements or are they a standard size still commonly found??
Is the 0.5mm play in the pivot point something to be worried about??
And then last one, the frame came with a Fox Vanilla Float R shock, which again feels nice and smooth, but once compressed leaves a visible line of oil/grime(?) round the sanction(?). Is this a sign of replacement or will a service (I know it could do with one but haven't got the money right now) hopefully sort it out??
Anyway here's some before pics to say thanks for getting this far.