Marin Bear Valley


Retro Newbie
Just got this for a decent price online, but desperately need some help with some information about it. Dont know much about these retro bikes, just absolutely love the look of an old 26 retro mtb. Primarily gonna use it as a commuter and pub bike. Would just like to know more about it. Original specs etc. Not gonna try to make it all original, but would like to push it in that direction.

Trying to make sense of the serial number as well, but some of it is hard to read.


  • 2341.jpg
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Dark zolotone....91.

Number is under the bb.

Try this. Your number is probably in the second group.
Thanks! Make sense the first digits I couldnt quite make out, but M41 (Bear Valley '91) seems about right.

Some of the paint of the stem and bar has scraped off and is bright orange underneath. Seems like black was the original color tho?