Marin Bear Valley 1991 - REDUCED TO £75

Thanks for the comments.

To get things moving I've dropped the price to £80.

Or make me an offer! The worse I can do is say no. :p
That brings back a lot of memories. I did all of my riding in the 90s on an 18" one just like that. Cleaned it up on Sunday after a ride and stuck Fat Boys on for the ride to work on Monday morning. Happy days....
I love this bike. I used to sell 'em and it was pound for pound the best Marin of that year in my opinion. If I had three extra inches to my inside leg I'd snap this up - fat lot of good that does you though!

I've just measured the standover height and now the wife thinks I'm even stranger than before. Saying some bloke on the internet wants me to do this didn't help.....

The standover height for me is 3 inches.