manchester bike jumble,what did you get

TGR":1njwxldy said:
No joy with the DA headset?

Did the snow affect the attendance?

Wish i was over there and not over here - we do not do jumbles here - maybe a good thing as i would defo overspend!!!!!
nice and quiet at 9.30 when i got there,by 10.30 ish when i left,it was queing out the door,thank god i went early. :D :D
An excellent jumble.Well planned.Plently of space from a sellers point of .
Took my 1935 Sunbeam along ,to add some interest .Had loads of people having a look.Plus cleared a few bits out.
Well you did ask, I got a 531 pro frame set, O then a wheel set, seat stem and seat, bars levers, bottom bracket, brakes,pedals and I had chain set so by 16.00 Sunday 20th Jan.

I have managed to get in a couple of hundred miles most on the trainer, just getting last bits before painting.
What a nice day out and all for about £100 and its nice to think them bits all sat around in number of sheds now make a bike that rides and handles very nicely.

Thanks vpug



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