I'm thinking of what to take, last year we seemed to get a lot of highish end bikes, so wondering if we can get a better show of what could be ... More mainstream of the early era... That could pull the heartstrings of the other old codgers at the event
Looking in the shed I'm thinking Marin, did we have a Marin on the stand last year? And maybe a clockwork (I know doddy called the formula a clockwork ), would be nice to see a Raleigh mirage too ..... Just saying @al , GT? Those cool 91 paint jobs? Splatter Konas? Diamondback smoke paint axis? .... Hell, even carreras looked good back then.
What are the chances of having a ZOOM laptop set up for lots of us to join remotely. No idea how you would police it or who would man it, but could be a good way to put more names to faces for those who can’t make it And for those who are members around the world.