MacRetro Trading Post

Couple more bits to go to free up some space and cash:

M732 XT Front Mech; as usual the flash doesn't do it any favours (got more pics if anyone wants 'em), an ebay purchase I've not fitted to anything; lets say £12 posted.


Nice Mavic roadie mech from the 80s, I think this is an 851 SSC (stand to be corrected); bought from ebay but I've not fitted it to anything and I'm not going to use it. Nice condition, few straches (made worse by flash in the pics), and original Mavic jockey wheels (but may need replacing soon); £45 posted. It's a lovely thing, if it doesn't make that price I think I'll keep it to look at!



Thanks Ken, it's a lovely thing and even though I need the money I'm in two minds about letting it go, I know I'll regret it if I do.

Decent pics will have to wait until the weekend, it'll be dark by the time I get home from work :roll:
If its a plain tube try ceeway for steerers. I got a 1" steerer for a pair of forks before. About a tenner IIRC!