MacRetro Newbies.... Introduce yourself here:

"Fit like min?" and welcome to you both- watch out on this site as your "Siller rins throwe your fingers like water"- see you on the trails some day :D
Havnae been in here in a while :oops: welcome STU and all the others! Have a look at the Dunkeld thread see if you can make it, always a good meet and greet'r.
Welcome guys, as Kaiser says, please try and get to Dunkeld as its a good social start to the macretro year. Its always good to meet new members of the clan and its one of the well attended events of the year.
Eck, glad the mojo's back :)
Hi folks, Duncan up in aayberdeen!
realise I should've introduced myself a wee while back, just neglected to do so!