Macretro fat camp

Voluntary Andy. A case of getting out while the package was still half decent - had a good run though (21 years).
zigzag":2ucr6qke said:
Voluntary Andy. A case of getting out while the package was still half decent - had a good run though (21 years).

Good man. It's nice to hear about someone getting out under good terms.
Re: Re:

Mr Panda":3vyp6r1r said:
Use the severance dosh to get trained to be a hairdresser befitting with your car :D
Aye, the old ones are the best! My mum's a hairdresser, so i was obviously doomed from an early age to drive an MX-5 at some point...
Re: Re:

zigzag":2xrkr8j7 said:
Mr Panda":2xrkr8j7 said:
Use the severance dosh to get trained to be a hairdresser befitting with your car :D
Aye, the old ones are the best! My mum's a hairdresser, so i was obviously doomed from an early age to drive an MX-5 at some point...

Never mind, now is your chance to become a lumberjack and wish you'd been a girlie just like your dear papa.....
Re: Re:

Mr Panda":avj7vudk said:
Use the severance dosh to get trained to be a hairdresser befitting with your car :D

I really did chuckle quite a bit at that :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: I've got myself a Fiat 500 so what do I know!

And just to make you all feel better I'm currently 95.4kg! I have been going to the gym and actively trying to put weight on so its no as bad as all that, in fact I dropped 2kg over the holidays. Admittedly it is still a significant proportion of mid riff bulk but I'll trim that back eventually....possibly.
Re: Re:

kaiser":yzt3rj5q said:
Mr Panda":yzt3rj5q said:
Use the severance dosh to get trained to be a hairdresser befitting with your car :D

I really did chuckle quite a bit at that :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: I've got myself a Fiat 500 so what do I know!

And just to make you all feel better I'm currently 95.4kg! I have been going to the gym and actively trying to put weight on so its no as bad as all that, in fact I dropped 2kg over the holidays. Admittedly it is still a significant proportion of mid riff bulk but I'll trim that back eventually....possibly.

And when you start riding your motorsickle in earnest you'll pile it all back on again like I did :facepalm:

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