Macretro fat camp

Current weight, unknown, bathroom scales were in the shed that the wind destroyed and were hastily moved but for the life of me I cannot think where. I'll need to do a search in daylight, that in itself will be a good workout :roll:
According to Wii Fit I've lost a pound. Now 12st 11lb. Not too bothered cause I've been doing a bit of excercise trying to get rid of the gut. The weight isn't that important.
two guinness and two doughnuts today :oops: got a few hours tomorrow morn to burn it off.
Cool, but there's someone missing. :evil:

No change at 13st 2lbs this week. Out on the bike tonight though. Must try harder.
Instead of the graph we should each build a histogram using concrete blocks for the bars (for exercise) or blocks of lard (for symbolism).
Dr S":18m2simn said:
Cool, but there's someone missing. :evil:

No change at 13st 2lbs this week. Out on the bike tonight though. Must try harder.

I think its a work in progress :lol: