Macretro fat camp

Good wee run tonight, slowed it down a bit and concentrated on my breathing. Did 3.5 miles, could have done more but thought I'd better save myself for lunchtime run at work tomorrow. Felt good though, something to build on, first proper run of the year.

oh aye, keep it up big fella!
Going out on the turbo now the boys are in bed, well after my cup of tea that is- rock and roll.

You enjoying the runs ZZ?

I hate running with a passion.
Nah, don't really enjoy it much. Never quite seem to reach the same place mentally as I do when I'm on a bike, you know when your mind becomes quiet and everything falls away, and before you know it 30 minutes have passed.

I run so I can mostly eat cakes and drink beer :D
gmac123":10suwtz8 said:
What was the deal here, did we agree a Wednesdays weigh in?:-D

Midweek weigh in sounds ideal....that's a few days to get rid of weekends happy times :lol: :oops:
Yeah wednesday night is post up progress report night.

1 hour on the turbo, never sweated so much in my life, can only imagine i look like the ken after one of his infamous sex sessions. :lol: