MacRetro chat and rides thread

We have to try it, no question there :D

We must however promote an open door policy on anything we organise, which of course we do, to counter any acusations of insularism. I dont want a them and us divide happening and we must for at least once a year do a cross border raid if only to steal their cattle :lol:
Anyone see that bit in BBC Scotland news showing its very probably go for the Innerliethen uplift project plus a DH toboggan run aswell :D
If we could find a 1 day mini epic I think we would still keep the numbers reasonable - If we could form a loop taking in the first half of Day 2 of the etive run we would tick a lot of boxes.
Other possible alternative to the bothy I'm thinking of dovetails onto TK's suggestion - bottom line is it's going to be an overnighter for everybody. So given this, we could do something like the Torridon or Skye rides, where we base ourselves somewhere and do 2 rides on 2 days. Obviously that gives folks a bit of flexibility (only need to do one ride), and bunkhouse would keep it cheap?

If we chose the routes carefully, (big ride day 1, smaller, less effort day 2) could be a winner. Skye really worked well in this regard.

However we do it, it's time to share the big mountains and the great company that made these rides properly memorable.
This is sounding better fro a visitors point of view. The central base be it basic will still have bunks, running water access to civilisation etc that a bothy wont. Also people can do both or either one of the two rides if a full 2 days is beyond them.
Big country riding with a central base seems a good way to go
Day 2 can be done as a loop, although some road work involved. Could start/finish at B of O bunkhouse. Easily accessible.

B of O, Glen Orchy, Dalmally, Taynuilt, Loch Etive, Glen Kinglass, B of O.

Short 2nd day run if needed/wanted could be B of O to Kingshouse and back :twisted:

The Ken":3gzbjesc said:
If we could find a 1 day mini epic I think we would still keep the numbers reasonable - If we could form a loop taking in the first half of Day 2 of the etive run we would tick a lot of boxes.
Slightly jumping the gun with the route planning and wotnot, lets see if its viable first( i.e. any interest). :)