MacRetro chat and rides thread

Had a wee thought last night, would anyone be up for an off road coast to coast? Theres a route from Bonnar bridge to Ullapool and back. 55Km each way
velomaniac":218zdil2 said:
I'd be up for the C2C-XC Kaiser provided its a weekend jaunt not one of your midweekers ;)

Need to be a weekender. Mind its a double C2C :)
I'm presuming its 55km on day one and the return 55k on day 2 with light camping/bothying/B&B/Hostel kit ;)

110 km off road in a day even at the height of summer would kill more folk than just weaklings like me :LOL:
BB to Ullapool sounds good, and do-able for me being up near KW15 country and on the railway. It would in theory be possible to cycle down in a day, having done Lairg to Kirkwall in a day before- but that was wan hoor o a day...

It all depends on the date of course, and how hard the route is for a bike (and rider) with no suspension. Any links?
Did some of the STW hardmen no do a c-c a wee while ago?

Anyway, after missing last weekend, would like to give this a go.
I'm kinda swithering on the OWMTBC just a wee bit pricey for me, spent a fortune this year already on race fees. This might make a fine replacement.
Does seem cool (did a ctc years ago, Aberdeen to Oban) but prob a bit far up north to travel and I don't really fancy doing the same route twice.