MacRetro chat and rides thread

Tough luck to Gazz and Grundig in BOTM, those 2 along with the Grove were my favourite bikes.
best man won and all that- wish I had been kicking about a few years ago, only had about 6 bikes enter each month and I think they organized the winner on a rota basis to keep it all fair :LOL:
well i voted for your bike gazz ;) i did like it the most tae :shock: :LOL:

well that and thats ma auld bars on it :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
cheers eck, need to do a bit more baby kissing next time to garner more votes- the dale will be my final stab in a few months but don't really hold out much hope.
we could always do our own BOTM thing

open to macretro riders only
but anyone can vote , think the nw lot do this
I wonder if a FAT will ever win :( , dales seem to draw as much of a polar opinion too. Gazz face it you've went too niche. p.s you got my vote too :)
i'm gona get the san andreas in when it's all stickered up :D still got to build it first tho :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

clear coats going on today :cool: