MacRetro chat and rides thread

Ha ha couldn't resist- si is doing the same when we go down to thrunton so don't feel special :wink:

Have you a back up plan in case the salsa is not ready?

Got some more treats for the yo- is working out to be a very expensive build but it should be a super fast race machine when I get the parts all together.
Just need to make a few adjustments to the brakes on mine and whack some more air in the fork. Going to Thrunton with it on tues night to do a few laps of the XC loop as a shakedown before swapping for the Cotic for a play through the trees. Gil is doing the decals tonight, Wednesday night is full stripdown, clean, lube rebuild time. Quick spin to work on Thursday and it will be ready.
Salsa is done... almost brake lines and grips and thats it just nipping out for a scoot.
Spent ages yesterday fannying about with the rear mech for the Stumpy - I think it's going to be OK... Also started cabling the brakes, be warned, expect shonk. Will sort the gears tomorrow, shake down ride later in the week. Fall back plan, 1x9 the Hardrock.

Got out for the afternoon SS'ing up the Pentlands, knee held up fine (so far anyway). After the gales and rain yesterday, weather was absolutely cracking. Great ride, really enjoyed the Hardrock today, those skinny XC Pros really seem to grip well on the loose gravel, may go back to the wider bars although I prefer the looks of the narrow ones...

buggers everyones out bikin :( at least Si was working too. Salsa runs like a dream :D crisp gears everything taught and tight and a great position well chuffed.
nice one Kaiser- looks the dogs too- you have no excuses now :twisted:

get a picture up then, show the lads the money shot.

those are great tires ZZ, I love them in 2.1 flavour- thinking of going for them up front and a high roller on the back, grip and fast or so the theory goes.