MacRetro chat and rides thread

Dr S":ijyhffo8 said:
I quite like the idea of those Dusk til Dawn kind of things. 12 and 24hrs would be too much I think but I love nightriding and I have pretty good reactions (all those years doing road rallies at night). There is something quite romantic about those hours in summer too- that sense of being up and active whilst the world sleeps has always been a pleasure, hence my habbit of getting up at 4am and going out riding on Sundays. I guess also that my happiest memories are sitting under the dusty pine trees on those balmy nights at Le Mans with friends and cold beer whilst the car grind around, its a magical experience. Add to that the acheivement of completing a challenge and the craic of fellow competitors and you have something special I guess.


Check you, all emo an that :lol: if you don't fancy 12hrs theres the 10 hr one at kirroughtree.
do we have any folks want to commit to an enduro event (northern latitudes) next year, we can put it in the diary- happy to do a team thing since it is a bit more sociable? Indeed what about at the start of the year to give us something to aim for over winter?
No Fuss events run most of them though next years aren't up yet.

Defo interested anyway.
I'd prefer something in slightly warmer months. I spend most days of the winter freezing my tits off and wet through- I don't mind a few hours riding in those times but an enduro and camping etc in winter would just make me as grumpy as a Velo that had just ridden through dog poo.
I'm up for the distance but the thru' the night stuff seems like suffering for the sake of it?

Gaz are you still talking about the gay and hard bit here?

Kaiser logo is almost finished, I'll send it to you at lunchtime tomorrow. PM me an email address