MacRetro chat and rides thread

clockworkgazz":1r4hu2iw said:
I did think distance as a race training thang but not to bothered really, what do you say ZZ top, fella.

so its only an hour cycling in a school playing field and you can use a proper erm... mountain bike- sounds great where do I sign up ha ha

4thOct is the first one, google scottish cyclo cross :D
I had thought the irvine one might be worth a go but watched the you-tube vid on the site, they were cycling on sand :shock:

anyway I don't have frogs legs.....
I'm easy-osy, either is fine, happy to play it by ear - Black is a damn good workout, two killer climbs. I'll not be SSing it though, gears should be easier on the knee.

See you gentlemen in the morn :)
A fine day out with representatives of the west coast massive - took in some new bits of Glentress I hadn't tried yet, so that was icing on the cake. And we were too fecking hardcore to take any photos, so get it up ye!

Took the red by the scruff of the neck, and had a bit of a laugh with the 'no pedaling' version of the Mushroom Pie - did it 3 times I think. Back up to the Buzzards Nest car park then on to the Blue (via Forestry track, bypassing some of the slog). Then back down the Blue, to the Freeride park where we were totally rad for auld fellas, honest - also offered helpful advice to some young 'un looking the part with Steve Peat shades.

Then a blast down Electric Blue in tight formation, getting to the Hub just in time to miss the rain. Knee feeling good so far, may even get out tomorrow for a quickie.