MacRetro chat and rides thread

I think some generic cheap full suss bikes could be found for a bit of throwing .

You've got to feel sorry for the drunk staggering home , stumbling on a field full of grown men throwing around such quality cycles .

I think you can work out what i was really looking for .

Id be pretty pissed off if i was that guy in blue , since when were you allowed to throw it like that :?

and did that guy have to touch his bum :lol:
Genius idea gentlemen! I can picture you brainstorming in the lab, white coats flapping with a massive whiteboard wall covered in mad bike related scribbles.

The bike for the caber toss would surely have to be some £10 gumtree modern BSO travesty.
I can picture you brainstorming in the lab, white coats flapping with a massive whiteboard wall covered in mad bike related scribbles.

That is frighteningly close, only no whiteboard and many piles of unfragrant biological materials...
velomaniac":1s27r64x said:
On a lighter note, DaveDH and me should be kept seperate at work as we end up bouncing way too many stupid ideas around. Dave thinks we should have a Dr. S style officially ratified dirty weekender in Scotland next year, the 'MacRetro Highland Games'.
Proposed events include Bicycle Caber tossing, Bicycle Shinty, tarmac based uphill TT and a combination of orienteering and bike building in that various neccesary components are hidden around the woods and first team to assemble and race a circuit on such a bike wins.
Prizes as usual being quintessentially scottish ie whiskey, tunnocks, irn bru etc
Proposed venue is Aviemore as it has loads of bars, food outlets, accommodation and great riding.
Please feel free to propose ideas or whatever as knowing us lot it most likely won't happen but it could be a right laugh :lol:

count me in, except for the shinty thing that's feckin dangerouse

and perry if that had been me get it in the dish, I would have punched the tossers lights out, that's not a throw in, that's assault!
Right, I'm no happy with my efforts at touching up the Rockhopper's paint (looks pants basically), and I'm feeling well inspired after looking at the lovely job jimi did on Gazz's mini clockwork, soooo... the Rockhopper is getting stripped and I'm going to have a go at a rattle can respray. I don't think I'll be sticking with the original blue either. Should be... interesting if nothing else :)

Thanks to the wonders of grease-proof paper, digital camera and, decals are coming along...



They're not even close to perfect, and neither will they be in vector format, but they're at 300dpi (original files are ma-hoos-ive), so I'm *hoping* that they'll look reasonable when they get scaled for printing to vinyl.
I think gil_m has got a rival in the world of replica decals, well impressed ZigZag. A set like that would look good on my Hardrock if they could be made up, well smart :wink: 8)
We'll see how they turn out, hopefully they won't look too pixelated when printed. I think the only difference between our decals would be the Hardrock script on the downtube?

If mine turn out ok, snap some pictures of yours and I can do the downtube decal.
Top work ZZ, I asked about this before and it seems you need to produce the graphic in vector form to cut down on pixelation.
A vector image is made up of the actual lines - remember playing 'Asteroid' BITD? - same idea. This means that when the image gets made big or small, all the curvy lines stay curvy instead of going blocky if you know what I mean.

So 'inkscape' is free, and it'll take a normal graphics file and convert it into vectors, so this should be possible. Will have a play around with it tonight.

Took a day off today and headed down to Glentress. Did the Black in the morning (2h32m yay), cleaned the rocky chutes that have been giving me the fear and even managed a couple of the log steps. Saw one guy the whole run, the place is totally quiet mid week. Had some nachos at the Hub, and then headed out again and granny-geared the Red! I am now shuffling about the house like a 90 year old. Great day though, weather was splendid, and I've figured out I just need to be more physical with the iDrive. Happy days!