MacRetro chat and rides thread

:lol: very good persil

Velo some of those take me back, by god they were shite :o
clockworkgazz":3amky8m2 said:
what time? Pretty unlikely but will turn on the charm and see what happens :lol:

Usuall time, 9.00 :wink: , need to get out though, was up the Braes for an hour earlier and was knackered :roll: , HGV drivers lifestyle, zero excercise and living on snackbars and vending machines :lol:
So hows the weekend went?

Out on the road bike today and got pished on(rain) up the moors.
Very little bike time this weekend- in fact I have not riden for a week. Had an hour fettling the Klunk for Inners this afternoon, got the wheels straightened but need to get a new block on the back as its jumping like crazy.
Made plenty of progress on the old Alfa though, got it stripped back to the shell and have only found two small holes in the body- not bad considering its been in continuous use for 37 years. Here comes the big spend, would not be suprised if the bike fleet might become smaller over the next month. :cry:

Lookng forward to a good Klunk at the weekend now- Jimi, you wearing Klunker clothes? Nice check shirt??

Out yesterday up the Brae's on the Klunker for an hour, like a friggin swamp up there though with all this rain, umed and ah'd about what to do thismorning, was going to Pollock park but couln't be arsed loading up the car and driving there, didnt fancy getting boggin again either :roll: , so i took the Klunker along the cycle track to just past Bridge of weir and back, found some forest walks in Bridge of weir i'll check out another time 8) , pretty unfit at the moment though, think i'll be pushing/dragging the Klunker round Inner's :roll:
got it stripped back to the shell and have only found two small holes in the body

hmm something sounds amiss . you should have 2 large man sized holes where you put doors either side as well as smaller holes around the outside for looking out of . at one end there is an arrangement for holding an internal combustion engine and at the other a large space to store stuff

im worried you have inadvertently bought a submarine by mistake


i went around rutland water today . its where middle aged , middle class people take their middle of the range bikes around a man made reservoir slowly . saw a 93 kona , an orange p7 that looked like it was the first time it had been used and a DBR