MacRetro chat and rides thread

Fitness freaks the lot of you :shock:

Gaz, all posts are scruffy, only redeeming feature is they're the right diameter.

Kaiser, no pics of the BSA and not likely either, you seem to think I've got it all racer style and authentic, its not, more hybridised flat bar with 32mm wide tyres, mudguards and rack, its a commuter workhorse. Still looking for a skinny tubed/tyred racer, preferably a Peugeot with internally brazed lugs :D

Mr Panda's spotted us a more retro mtb challenge run by the Comrie croft lot. Seems to be a good 18mile day out on the hills with a river fording thrown in on Oct 11th.

Cheers Velo
no worries velo, will stick with the moby- cheers for looking.

Any of you guys got a matching set of wheels you want to part with? Seen jamies but not quite what I'm after, indeed looking for some cranks to.

might it be worth having a what i want and what I have day on this thread as is is easy for us to trade face to face?

I was thinking of stripping the stumpie and getting her powdercoated but not sure- she is shouting out to get dressed up :?:

sounds like a nice ride but not keen on a river crossing :lol:
velomaniac":1fjsy5dg said:
Mr Panda's spotted us a more retro mtb challenge run by the Comrie croft lot. Seems to be a good 18mile day out on the hills with a river fording thrown in on Oct 11th.

Cheers Velo

Cheeky get :evil:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Gazz, PM'd you re: cranks, pick up no bother.

Did the Glentress black run today. 3hrs 2 mins (4 stops, slow and steady) although I cheated at the end and did the fast blue jumpy bit and then back onto the tail of the black through the red squirrel car park.

Some random observations: Rocky - nothing like the buttery smooth red. Climby, jesus christ I'll never moan about the red route Spooky Wood climb again! Also Schwalbe Hardclimber tyres are so named because they make climbing hard. and cornering too come to think of it, cheap but not bloody recommended. Fell off while riding Britney Spears (never thought I'd ever be able to say that :lol: ). Didn't really get into the flow until Deliverance, highlight of the ride for me, a really nice bit of fast singletrack, made the uphill slogs worth it - I'll definitely give it another go. I walked a couple of really steep downhill bits, including the log steps entry into the Double X section. Mincer that I am.
top man, waiting on a response from him, will call you if it is ok by him. The chap sounds like a nice guy says, he is a canal path rider these days but I am trying to capture him for team macretro.

Black run sounds scary in parts , was this on the hard drive?
Mind you it does sound like you had a good day- I'm jealous, as I have not been out for feckin ages and not looking like it until the big one on Thursday- which will be epic, awesome even. :D
Hi Gazz, give me a bell when you get in contact with him and let me know. Could always pick it up a bit earlier on the Tuesday, I'm working from home since i'm getting new tyres on my manly mobile.

Aye, trundled round on the iDrivel (only working bike now the forks are deid on the Softrock). Did the deliverance downhill/redemption climb, a bloke and his lad at the radio mast warned me about the climb. I actually thought the first big climb up to Britney Spears was the worst, it just seemed to go on and on - you break the tree-line and you're thinking 'yes, nearly there' - of course you're probably just 2/3rds of the way up, and you soon re-enter the trees for some more bloody switchbacks.

There were a couple of steep and rocky downhill bits that I walked - On the right bike (beginning to wonder if the iDrivel isn't maybe a bit big for me) and with the right rear tyre I probably would have given them a go, although the log steps at Double X fair freaked me out, and there is a REALLY steep and rocky bit just after it that that I can't see myself ever tackling.

Still, glad I did it. Always nice to ride something new. Looking forward to Thursday, even though I'll be dragging the iDrivel round (with a decent rear bloody tyre fitted).
ZZ sounds like a good tester :D Must organise a black run outing some time, if only to say I've done it.
ZigZag, the iDrivel might be a wee bit big for you as the go you gave me in the bonaly carpark made me think I fitted it just right :D

I know what you mean about that rocky descent but a lassy I know on a hardtail who is by no means a great mtb'r seemed to think it easily doable :shock:
